PRESENCE "Volume Down"


A foundational essence to ‘Start again’. A clean slate creating self space & deeply grounding. Acceptance, Forgiveness. Volume down. Namaste Baby!

Cherry plum, Clematis, Dandelion, Harebell, Holly, Pennyroyal, Twayblade.

Base Mix:
Pick Me!

A foundational essence to ‘Start again’. A clean slate creating self space & deeply grounding. Acceptance, Forgiveness. Volume down. Namaste Baby!

Cherry plum, Clematis, Dandelion, Harebell, Holly, Pennyroyal, Twayblade.

A foundational essence to ‘Start again’. A clean slate creating self space & deeply grounding. Acceptance, Forgiveness. Volume down. Namaste Baby!

Cherry plum, Clematis, Dandelion, Harebell, Holly, Pennyroyal, Twayblade.

Ingredients: 60% Natural spring water, 40% Vodka or 40% Organic vegetable glycerine & Bloom Essences. Vodka holds a longer self life (approx 6 months) and Vegetable Glycerine approx 2 months). This remedy loves a cool, dark environment.

Usage: 7 drops twice a day, or 4 drops throughout the day when needed.